Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Exciting New Products

Exciting New Product no. 1: Safety Reflectors

On our first morning in Tallinn, we ate our breakfast herring and boiled eggs facing the street in the hotel restaurant. Early enough, Friday a.m., people rushing to work. A number of these had small discs hanging from their clothing, from their lapels, some swinging from bags and purses. Could the fad of not removing price-tags from expensive or "hot" threads have spread beyond the Tallinn hip-hop community to these fast-paced corporate folk, these secretaries, travel agents, IT specialists? We couldn't have guessed then that the Estonian Road Administration, and its enforcement of a mandatory reflector-wearing policy for pedestrians during dark hours of dark days in dark seasons and in poorly-lit areas, was behind it all. Drivers don't have too much respect for pedestrians, despite their number, so it's not a bad idea. Considering the stats on rundown pedestrians, it's a very good idea. From Baltics City Paper Tidbit Facts, "Without a reflector, a driver can see you at about 30 meters; add a reflector, you’re visible at 130."

Hence, the discs. But it must have been hard to get a nation of fashion-conscious consumers to integrate the traffic safety device with a given season's look. Thank goodness "alterpreneuring" companies like "Good Mood" were there to start designing pedestrian-friendly haute couture and/or corporate-sponsored reflectors (all government-approved); high-style encouragement for the obligatory safety accessory.

At the same time, Tarbitjatekaiseamet, the Estonian Consumer Protection Board, warns that "consumers must pay attention to the fact that products only resembling reflectors are not reflectors, they don't replace reflectors and do not protect the user," cautioning buyers and sellers alike that "instead of buying a reflector a person may buy accidentally a glimmering toy or a keychain."

Well, keeping the sober words of the Tarbitjatekaiseamet in mind, we did our best to stay focused on reflectors and shield our eyes from unsuitably dazzling doodads, in the end foiling the crooked motives of keychain-peddling charlatans. We spotted the above, completely legitimate reflex-reflector, through a kiosk vitrine in Tartu, and picked up 2. By total fluke, ours are indeed "Good Mood" reflectors, of the corporate subtype, ours bearing the name and logo of the national postal service, "Eesti Post".

"Introduction to Use" informs thusly: "Attach reflector knee-height on the right side of your body. The reflector must hang freely and be seen from back and front. If the reflector is badly rubbed or damaged other ways, it should be changed to a new one. Reflector must be used in the dark also in built-up areas."

And further inscribed is the state and scientific benediction: "Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Department of Physics (FIOH), Topeliukenkatu 41 a A, FIN=00250 Helsinki, Finland, notified body no. 0403, has EC type examined this product according to Directive 89/686/EEC".

Exciting New Product no. 2: Good Morning!

Single-portion hangover remedy in a jar, now we're talking.

If that doesn't work, you can always reach for a Baltika #3, the quintessential Breakfast Beer. Or, depending on day's activities, start in right away on the heavier stuff -- after all, your pickle-chaser is all ready to go.

Exciting New Product nos. 3, 4: Maxi-Sticks and Meiran Sinappi

The CoMarket has a new product! These are no regular pretzels. These doozies, at 27 cm, come in 4 flavours (garlic, onion, sesame and pepper). We've tried garlic and onion. I actually found the junkyard website of the Slovakian producer, Zael, S.R.O. From what I can gather, these are the company HQs in a town called Lučenská. Keep it up, gang! Next year's M-Sticks should challenge EU pretzel-length standards by adding at least a couple of cms (for details, see Article II(g) of EEC Pretzel Directive 45/70-56).

And what is a pretzel without its mootarde? Here's our favourite new condiment. A sweeter, snappier "sinappi" that lends itself particularly well to pretzel-dipping. Giant squeezy bottle encourages the artful composition of burnt umbrish soft-serve mustard mounds and decorative flourishes in dipping bowl. (For best results, apply gentle even pressure with steady, ideally sober, hand.)

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